Katex Library

Math Latex Rendering Using Katex Library for Hugo Themes

As I’m using Hugo static site generator with PaperMod theme, I noticed that the Latex math equations in the markdown content/posts files do not render as expected. After some digging in the theme source code I found out there’s no Latex based library being called out during the site building process. Which explains why something like the below doesn’t render: $$\sum_{n=1}^{k} \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}$$ When in a perfect world it supposed to render like:...

June 21, 2023

Yes student loans are a mess; but students also avoiding the highest paid disciplines

So the inflation will hit university students and graduates hard with an expected interest-rate of up-to 12%. And while I agree with what the former business secretary and universities minister Greg Clark said: “the high rates risked deterring graduates from getting the skills that were badly needed.” in The Guardian article. But this is not the real problem now with higher education in the UK. The real problem is the number of home students enrolling into Medicine, Engineering & Science is very low compared to the economy needs and compared to courses such as Business, Marketing, Finance, Media, law....

May 23, 2022

Adding Disqus Comments Service

I was thinking about wether should I add commenting system/service to my blog. The thing is from my past experience with blogs that social media and sharing links and articles into those social media profiles pretty much killed the habit of leaving comments on the article’s page itself. Instead, readers often prefer to add their comment as a part of their link sharing post, so they can create new conversation over their preferred social media platform....

February 17, 2022

Hello World!

Hi everyone, This is my first post on this newly created personal site/blog. I’m still in the early stages of the site development. So expect some changes in the coming weeks. However, I’ll keep the design minimal as much as I can, as I hate busy-looking sites specially when it is about reading text such as blogs and articles. Comment Section Unfortunately, for now there’ll be no comment section. I may add something like Discus or Facebook comments API....

February 13, 2022